Livestock productions
We believe that the key to sustainable agriculture is versatility. It is in this spirit of permaculture that we diversify our farm's livestock.
Raised outdoors, our lambs have the leisure to thrive in an environment adapted to their natural needs. They can take full advantage of what nature has to offer.
Whether it’s our grain chickens, our turkeys, or our ducks, all of our backyard birds have a space superior to the recommendations of the breeding standards. Appropriate enrichments depending on the species are also put in place.
Well installed in the barn, our calves are raised with milk during their first months. Then, they join the herd at the pasture to continue their growth. They have access to a stimulating environment and a varied diet.
With more than 50 arpents of hay fields at their disposal, our bees will certainly not lack clover to forage. In addition to producing their delicious honey, they help pollinate our grasslands.